Wednesday 28 October 2009

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Subjugating Humanity: Banks, Corporations and Invisible Chains
by Kieron McFadden

Here is the second part of my translation from the Arcturian of a report sent from an orbiting survey ship to its mission control on Arcturus IX on the subject of how and by whom Earth is governed.

From:Earth survey ship "Look Lively"
To: Mission Operations, Arcturus IX
Subject: Summary of analysis of Earth’s political system - part two: report resumed.

During our much needed break from the farrago of human tribal custom, we remembered what was the second symptom of brain damage occasioned by our exposure to Earthian broadcasts.

It, it’s gone again, Never mind. As I think we already mentioned the toilet rolls and the episode with the escaped fungus, we will resume our report of the political chaos planet side.
We come now to the human banking system.

The institutions known as "banks" comprise in effect the strings or levers by which the emperor, as puppet-master, controls events on his planet, without anybody actually noticing that things could not possibly be as horrible as they are on Earth unless someone were making them so: things as you know have a tendency to settle down and straighten out unless actively prevented from so doing.

This is the natural order of things, although Earth has been kept in chaos so long people here actually believe that things are chaotic unless you impose order on them rather than the opposite. They consequently see nothing strange about living in perpetual bedlam and think it is normal, believing no-one could be responsible for it, especially themselves.

There is a superstition widespread on Earth that things just sort of happen without anybody causing them. This primitive mysticism enables the manufacturers and beneficiaries of the chaos to go about their business unremarked.

Actually, to be accurate, some humans have noticed that something is awfully fishy about the way the planet is run and of those some have followed the thought through logically and twigged what is being done but pretend not to see anything. This is a ritual known as "turning a blind eye," in which the more perspicacious are persuaded to "mind their own business if they want to go on breathing" and/or are rewarded for keeping their traps shut.

A few brave souls have been known to ignore such pressure and tell all the other humans about the emperor and his banks but these invariably undergo a ritual discrediting in which nobody believes a word they say, while (refer back to "contradiction blindness" in our earlier report) recognizing the truth of what they are disbelieving.

Be that as it may, the Earth emperor has been able to evolve a sneaky system of control using money. This is a very cleverly managed sleight of hand that has the added advantages of a.) involving money, which is boring except when you are spending it and b) being slippery and requiring some exercise of the mind in order to grasp it. This prompts humans to react with extreme boredom and, we suspect, a release of brain chemicals that induce temporary anesthesia whenever the subject is broached by anyone trying to expose and explain this sleight of hand.

Thus, faced with someone trying to free them from slavery by explaining who the slave master is and how he keeps the herd in invisible economic chains, most quickly lose interest or pretend to listen while thinking of something else entirely. Being dull as ditchwater is in fact an impenetrable defense that virtually guarantees the human herds will not twig the scam that is being run even while their civilization implodes and their planet is turned into something akin to a radioactive supermarket skip.

The full extent of the scam, which we call "debt slavery," its ramifications and its function as a catalyst of cultural decay is covered in pages 5,000 through 8,406 of our report.

To summarise it here: Earth banks pretend to be institutions that look after people’s money, which the human herds believe is created and circulated by their governments.

The reality behind the facade is that banks have carte blanche to CREATE unlimited money out of nothing using computers, then get it into circulation by hiring it out to people and governments.

This rental system is called "lending" or "borrowing." You will doubtless be aware, having studied basic economics in kindergarten, that this is insane and fuels Earth’s economies with debt masquerading as real money.

All Earth’s economies consequently run on debt and there is hardly any real money in existence. Thus everyone and everything on Earth is in debt to the lending institutions. Running an economy on debt as you know is about as effective as running a space ship on steam, yet the human herds are unable to comprehend the near suicidal foolishness of their own system because hardly anyone can define what money is.

Unable to define the real McCoy, they are unable to spot the counterfeit. Earth's elites have evolved a ritual for their young (of which more later) that guarantees continuation of this ignorance by nullifying the ability to learn anything except text messaging: it is called "education."

Another key factor here is the genetic trait to which we earlier alluded: the human brain shuts down and goes onto auto-pilot in the face of any discussion about money beyond how to get your hands on it.

The banks are able to control money supply through their privilege of creating money and then lending it to whomsoever they please. In this way they can "fuel" entities of which they approve and starve of "fuel" entities they wish to see perish. Operating as proxies for the emperor, the banks are able to turn on and off at will the tap of money supply and this comprises the levers by which all economic fortunes and thereby all fates on Earth are controlled.

Entities most favored by the banks are those known as "corporations," particularly the drugs cartels (more on drugging of humans later) because they proffer practical means of subduing and controlling the herd. The banks therefore assist chosen corporations and types of corporations to flourish and kill off those they do not want through the mechanics of providing or withholding money.

The most privileged corporations have gown huge and powerful on the back of being favored by the money rental agencies. They are however as a result hopelessly in debt to those banks. This gives the banks continued control over them on the basis that he who lends money has power and dominion of he who borrows it. The corporations are debt-driven and being debt-driven become increasingly voracious because they must continually and remorselessly expand in order to stay ahead of their compounding debts (mechanics fully explained in our report, pages 6,789 to 7,790).

In order to further obscure the existence and mechanics of this control through money supply, an aura of mystery has been used to cloak it. This has been achieved by the creation of priestly mystery cult called "economics" the main purpose of which is to create a smokescreen of complexity no-one can penetrate and which, sounding scientific, enables "experts" (the cult’s priests) and politicians (the cult’s lay preachers) to justify each succeeding economic debacle or learnedly explain why nothing can be done, all without actually saying anything at all.

When people, as intended, cannot understand the gobbledygook, they assume a.) they are too dense to grasp economics because it is "scientific" and b) the people spouting the gobbledygook must know what they are talking about.

Here again we see another example of contradiction blindness. Most of the herd assume the priesthood know what they are talking about while surrounded by glaring evidence (economic collapse) that the priesthood do not know what they are talking about.

We pause here for lunch. Part three of this report will follow in our next telemetric burst.

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